It’s the Kielbasa Kid…

…and you’ve got to be a certain age, kind of old, to know what a big deal the Sony Walkman was back in the day. It changed the way we experienced music, allowing us to take the music with us and pump up the volume in our headphones. Well, in this day and age of the smart phone which has taken the place of the Walkman, Sony is looking to reel us back in with the introduction of two new Walkman music players. Their big selling point is that they are designed for high quality sound that comes with a high-quality price tag too. One is selling for. $1600, while the other for $3200 but with an even higher quality sound. Can’t quite hear the cymbal or base properly in your favorite song that you never knew were there in the first place? Well now you can. Plus, you’ll be able to play way more music than what a 90-minute cassette could ever do. Now I like music and to be able to work in a field that is filled with music is like a dream come true. The only drawback is playing that “same ole’ song but with a different meaning’ to quote the Four Tops since I can get burnt out on a tune quicker than most people. That’s why having a device like a smart phone is a dream come true. Being able to take my music with me without also lugging around tons of mix tapes, each at least 90 minutes in length, just boggles my mind. I wouldn’t have room for all the tapes I would need to replace what my smart phone carries around for me. But Sony is banking on us lugging around their new version of the Walkman that is similar in size to a smart phone but can hold even more music and only plays music but of a higher quality. Sorry, it sounds great, but I’ve only got so many pockets and with summer coming that number shrinks even further. But if you’ve got deeper pockets and you really need to hear that cymbal or bass in your favorite song that you never knew was there in the first place. Then pick up your smart phone and give Sony a shout because they have just what you’re looking for.