It’s the Kielbasa Kid…

…and man am I glad this week is over. The middle wasn’t bad but the beginning and end was like a hard cover book that I’m ready to close and put away on the shelf. It started Monday when a deer, without my permission decided to customize the right front end of my car. Talk about throwing oneself into their work, Bambi took out my headlight, grill, hood and fender. It’s a wonder my front right tire doesn’t rub on anything when I make a turn. I will say the high beam shining into the night sky is a bit interesting especially while its raining. Then on Thursday I’m on the air, ready to do a contest when I realize the phones don’t work. All the other phones in the station work except the studio lines. To make a long story short I blew out the phone system. I spilled a freshly filled mug of coffee all over a counter top on Wednesday. I had paper towels in the studio and cleaned it up quick like and thought “thank god I didn’t spill it on the control board”. It’s something I did at a previous radio station, lets just say it’s a good thing we had an auxiliary studio because coffee shut that one down for a few days. Well, coffee shut down the phone system because under the counter where the spill occurred was a piece of equipment that made the phones work unless it gets drenched with coffee. So no contest on Thursday no contest on Friday. So here’s hoping engineer Jeff has it working by Monday because with so much stuff being in short supply lately, who knows when a replacement part would eventually arrive. Like I said, I’m glad this week is over.