…while technically summer doesn’t start until June 21st, most of us regard Memorial Day as the unofficial start beginning of summer, and despite some studies saying a lot of Americans don’t take vacations the majority of us love to take summer vacations. The airline industry’s trade group, Airlines for America agrees and is forecasting that just over 257 million people will fly on U.S. carriers between June 1st and August 31st. That’s a 3.4 percent increase over last summer, and equates to about 2.8 million travelers a day. The good news is the trade group says airlines are adding 111,000 seats per day, more than the predicted 93,000 increase in daily passengers but that also means longer lines and check ins too. So, leave early check in then hang out at the airport bar or restaurant before your flight takes off but don’t lose track of time like my wife and I did one year and almost missed our flight.