It’s the Kielbasa Kid…

…and out of all the weeks in the year the week leading up to Thanksgiving has got to be slacker week or the week my mind is on everything else except my job. Just too may distractions like, what else I need to pick up at the store to how long of a delay will I face at the airport or on the highway while making my way over the river and through the woods to grandmothers house. Will the Thanksgiving Football games turn out to be turkeys? Then there’s Black Friday and the distraction of all the pop up ads for Flat Screens on your computer just because you Googled it. Am I ready for the start of Deer season on Saturday sitting in a tree stand looking for deals on my phone come Cyber Monday. Yeah, the week leading up to Thanksgiving is the perfect storm for total distraction. So much to do and only 3 days to do it, I guess I’ll just have to wing it. Gobble, Gobble.