It’s The Kielbasa Kid…

…and it might not be the worse thing in the world but its close. You’re in a hurry to get somewhere, maybe to work, or to a date, or to a funeral. You hop in your car, insert the key into the ignition, and… nothing. It won’t budge. It won’t turn. It won’t start the car. You panic. You curse. You pray. You try everything you can think of: twisting, pushing, wiggling, jiggling, shaking, banging, even licking (don’t ask). Nothing works. You’re stuck. You’re doomed. You’re ready to give up and call a tow truck. But then, miraculously, the key turns. The engine roars to life. The car is alive! You breathe a sigh of relief and drive away, hoping that it was just a one-time glitch and not a sign of impending doom. But what if it happens again? What if it happens in a worse place or time? What if it happens when you’re in the middle of nowhere, or in a bad neighborhood, or in a zombie apocalypse? What if it never turns again? This is not normal. This is not okay. This is not something you should ignore or accept. This is a problem that needs to be fixed ASAP. Thank God for spare key, this works, kind of. Seems spare key’s buttons wont remotely unlock or lock the car and why it became spare key in the first place but it turns the ignition switch every single time and a trip to see my local mechanic or as their known today as service technician has been avoided but not a trip to the local hardware store to get a spare key made for my spare key.