It’s the Kielbasa Kid…

…and all I was looking for was how to replace the pump on my cars windshield washer and now every time I go on line not only am I getting ad’s about pumps but I’m getting recommended cars near me. Those are next to ads about home generator’s to give me protection from severe weather because I was pricing them. Search for this get ad’s for that. Is that how AI started? Are you lonely? Need a friend to talk to? There’s no need to fear AI is hear! Or is there need to fear? “Danger Will Robinson, Danger” At the end of May, HBO Max asked users to solve complex puzzles to prove they were human because AI has gotten so good at solving them. So websites have to step up the puzzles to determine if you’re human or not. In addition to changing security online, AI might generate more and more content on the web. Phishing scams for personal data may also become more sophisticated as generative AI can even duplicate your voice. Now word comes down that AI can steal passwords by listening to keystrokes so hackers may eventually use artificial intelligence to steal them with a 95% accuracy rate. A supermarket chain is experimenting with AI to create meal plans, and the app has come up with some “unusual dishes” . . . like “chlorine gas . . . poison bread sandwiches . . . and mosquito-repellent roast potatoes.” AI something to benefit us or something we should be worried about. If its the later then the town folk may need more that pitch forks and torches to protect against an out of control AI roaming the country side. “Danger Will Robinson Danger”