It’s the Kielbasa Kid…

…and with another Thanksgiving approaching so do thoughts of preparing the menu for the feast, if you’re going to be this year’s host. Every year it seems we’re told how much more expensive this and that is going to be but, this year it’s like Turkey-geddon. Seems like no matter where you turn your being bombarded with how much more you’re going to spend for the bird this year. CBS had a story about turkeys being sold for $3.99 a pound! Well maybe if you went to a farm and picked one out yourself and I’ll bet their yummy too but for your average Joe like me you’re getting one from the local Supermarket who every week send circulars of what they got on sale, if you’re a friend of circulars. I once worked with a guy who wasn’t and used to take all the circulars out of the Sunday newspaper and throw them away. He called it, clutter. I’m thinking,” holy gees do you not know how many stores are telling you what they got on sale this week? Don’t you want to save any money? I don’t know this for a fact but maybe he was one those who went to restaurants with no prices of the meal on the menus and if that’s you then God Bless you. You’re doing something right. But anyhow I do look at prices and the circulars and turkeys are a lot cheaper than $3.99 a pound. How about $.99 a pound? If you buy $25 worth of other stuff that might also be on this year’s menu which brings me to another story, I just read. Seems side dishes will also be more expensive this year. Yeah, more doom and gloom to report. Just when I thought election commercials were scary enough. I had to a laugh when I saw an ad for asparagus on sale for $3.99 a pound especially when I saw a competing store selling them for $1.99 a pound and got a bigger chuckle when yet another had them a dime cheaper. Well, I hope inflation doesn’t send you to the poor house this thanksgiving because it doesn’t have to and for those who don’t have to look at the price tag; I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving too!