…and last weekend, the day before…Snowmageddon! I went to my local tire joint to get my tires rotated so I don’t screw up the warranty and because the rotation is free since I bought the tires there! Talk about packed. I pull into the parking lot and had trouble finding a place to park. I go in and right back out after I’m told it would take 3 hours before they could even get to my car. It reminded me of people rushing to the grocery store for milk, bread and toilet paper. Instead, the rush was on to make sure they had good enough tires to get through the snow. This wasn’t the first time my odometer told me it was time for a tire rotation right before a storm only to find people in need of tires, but I thought it’s almost February surely most folks would be ready for the winter driving season by now, but I guess not. Forget about milk and bread, “I got to get me some tires, storms a coming’!