It’s the Kielbasa Kid…

…and I saw this question on one of our Daily Radio Prep websites that the DJ is encouraged to ask on the radio to see if it can generate phone calls and an on air conversation with listeners. What’s your favorite non-food smell? I thought about that for a second and the first thing that popped into my head wasn’t that of flowers or perfume but instead it was the smell of being around a rollercoaster at Kennywood Park. Probably not in the top ten of smells for most people but that smell has been the same since I was a kid and maybe that’s why I like it. It takes me back to being a 10 year old again. Just thinking about it now and I can even hear the cars being pulled up the track for the Jack Rabbit. Now I do enjoy other non food smells other than roller coaster grease but it was the first thing to pop into my head. Another non food smell is that of rain when it’s not raining but is heading your way. I can’t even describe what it smells like but I know the scent. What other non food smell can you think of to add to the list, the smell of freshly cut grass? I always loved that and still do till this day. How about the smell of the birthday candles after being blown out? I even like the smell of a match after it’s been blown out. And let me tell you if you don’t already know that having a book of matches in the car is essential just in case you happen to run into the smell of a skunk. The smell of the match being blown out will eliminate the skunk odor in a heartbeat. Of course you might need to strike more than one but no more than two. So there you go. When someone says I should stop and smell the roses maybe I’ll strike a match or blow out a candle at least until Kennywood opens.