It’s the Kielbasa Kid…

…so what’s your favorite part of Thanksgiving? Mine favorite part is eating but my favorite memory is waking up to the smell of turkey that has been roasting in the oven which would happen when my dad had to work day turn in the Mill which meant he had to be their at 3 in the afternoon so that meant my mom would have to get up early and get that bird in the oven so we could eat around 1 in the afternoon. Now, I love turkey but my mom made the most amazing stuffing that was so good I liked it cold. She would always set some aside for me while she was stuffing the bird which is another favorite memory. And just like my mom, after my wife makes the stuffing with the same recipe handed down from my mom she sets aside a little stuffing for me too. My dad used to say he liked the stuffing more than the turkey and I have to agree although I really like turkey too. While all that was going on I remember the Thanksgiving parades on TV. I wasn’t big on watching them but it was always on so it’s not like I didn’t see what happen to be floating down the street or up in the sky. Another great memory. My mom would always put the put the entire bird on the table around the china and silverware that was only used on special occasions like the holiday meal. It was like a scene out of Norma Rockwell except instead of Dad with the carving knife it was mom who did the carving. Hey she did all the work so why not let her have the honor right? I hope Thanksgiving brings back some great memories for you too while adding more this year. And in the words of Uniontowns own Joel Chisler… Gobble til you Wobble!