It’s the Kielbasa Kid…

…and for the last couple of days I’ve been looking up at the moon probably because we had what was a full buck Moon on Tuesday and you couldn’t miss it but while staring I was thinking about the first time man stepped on the Moon’s surface which is 50 years ago this weekend. Of course there are some folks who think it was all faked but they also think the earth is flat and have been visited by aliens so for everyone else grab your tin foil hats and make a toast or two or three to Neil, Buzz and Mike because 50 years ago on the night of July 20th 1969 at exactly 10:56 Neil Armstrong became the first person to step foot on the Moon. Buzz Aldrin joined him at 11:11 and that’s when the party started. Why do you think they called him Buzz. They partied till a little after 1 in the morning cause I guess that’s when last call is on the Moon. Meanwhile their designated driver Mike Collins was already in orbit circling the moon in the command module. Guess he pulled the short straw. So Neil and Buzz figuring they were in no shape to drive crashed right there on the Moon for the night. They must have slept in because they didn’t leave until 1:54 the next day which will be 50 years ago on Sunday. Man, 240,000 miles for a party. Well, it was the 60’s and besides where else you gonna get some of that Moon Dust. The only thing available on earth for me was this Rocket Ship Bank.