…on a day I would normally use a vacation day for because I was the guy in the neighborhood who would throw a Super bowl party whether the Steelers were in it or not. Well I didn’t throw a party but I had party food like pizza and beer. They estimate 50 million cases of beer was consumed at Super bowl parties yesterday and possibly more because word is a lot of folks were not as consumed by the game despite it being a tossup late in the 4th quarter. The problem was the lack of offense which people have been made to expect from the NFL so just having 3 points from each team on board made for a boring Superbowl for those who don’t like a good defensive game. Then throw in a halftime show that really showed my age because I didn’t know one song until they did “moves like Jagger” at the end. But apparently, I’m not the only one because folks on twitter was going nuts with comments like, “Adam Levine dancing with Travis Scott is your dad when you have friends over and you’re playing music” to “could you put your shirt back on.” And here I thought I was showing my age.