…and for the first time ever I was able to climb into the attic and find all the Christmas decorations without any problems because last Christmas, for the first time ever we decided to ditch all the brown boxes, some of which that were so old that they were held together by duct tape and put everything in clear plastic tote containers. No climbing back up the narrow tract to the attic to search for the missing box, cause there always was one or two that wasn’t marked properly that held the lights or the Christmas tree stand. Even the tree itself had its own plastic container this year. Sorry, but I’m not the one who will take an ax into the woods to search out a tree or one who will buy one from the many roadside dealers. Now if you are, the National Christmas Tree Association says Black Friday and Cyber Monday are two of the most expensive days of the year to buy Christmas trees. Sorry if you already plucked down the bucks for one already but you’ve been warned about Cyber Monday. They say the trees cost an average of $77 on Black Friday and $81 on Cyber Monday. The seasonal average is $73 so your really not spending too much more. The National Christmas Tree Association says Christmas Eve is the best day of the year to buy Christmas trees because prices average around $47 but not too many people wait for Christmas Eve anymore but if you do I’ll bet you already knew that. Man, can you imagine the deal if you could buy one on Christmas day. It would be like buying tickets off a scalper. You’ll always find the best deal after kickoff and you know if you celebrate Serbian or Orthodox Christmas then you’d really make out.