It’s the Kielbasa Kid…

…and you know when I was a kid I was told not to sit too close to the TV because it will ruin my eyes and I grew up with a black and white TV. In fact, I didn’t own a color TV until I was 24 years old and saw the Wizard of Oz change from black and white to color for the first time. Oh, that’s when my parents got a color TV too, when my sister and I no longer lived there. We must have been a real financial strain on them because that’s when they got whole house air conditioning too, but I digress because I was talking about hurting your eyes by sitting too close to the TV. Well now comes a new study by the University of Toledo that reveals, it wasn’t true. No, that’s not what the study says. The study says, drum roll please…Smartphone Light Is Bad for Your Eyes. It says the blue light emitted by smartphones can harm one’s vision because it promotes the growth of poisonous molecules. This can lead to macular degeneration. The condition cannot be cured although it can be treated with glasses and laser surgery. Great, first it was the television and now it’s the smartphone that’s going to take away my Eye-site. They say you should also avoid smartphones and laptops when its dark, you mean like reading in bed? I am so screwed. What I found interesting while reading the article underneath the covers in the dead of night there were ads for the new iPhone i0S 12 and Lens Crafters with the words, See Great! What? The new iPhone with my new glasses? What?