It’s the Kielbasa Kid…

…and when it comes to food there is hardly anything that I don’t like. I saw this question. What food do you hate but wish you liked? Then it hit me. I hate liver but you know I really don’t wish I liked liver. Just the name itself, liver, sounds disgusting to me. But on the other hand liver and onions sounds appetizing until it hits my mouth and it’s, “what was I thinking, it still tastes like liver”. So maybe I sort of wish I liked liver and onions. My wife even talked me into trying it cooked her way but it tasted just as bad as when my mom used to make it. One thing I’m grateful for is my parents never made me eat something I didn’t like or force me to try something that I never ate before. Like Duck Soup which in Polish is called Czarnina and is basically soup made with ducks blood and may be the reason why I’ve never tried duck and have no desire till this day to try. My dad loved both and his aunt on the farm used to make the soup fresh and he used to bring jars of the stuff home. One things for sure he never had to worry about anyone helping themselves to it. Now, if he brought home the Keshka, pass the ketchup cause that’s a different story and song all together.