It’s the Kielbasa Kid…

…and in case you haven’t heard the National Christmas Tree Association says Christmas tree prices may be higher this year because of a Christmas tree shortage. This comes on the heels of a story that pumpkins were going to cost more before Halloween because of a pumpkin shortage. I haven’t heard of a turkey shortage yet but I’m sure that’s coming down the pike too. Now, is their a gas shortage? Was there a Hurricane that I missed or did several refinery’s go down because in a week gas prices went up an average of 20 cents. Don’t they normally go down because refineries don’t have to worry about making a so called summer blend. Mark my words. Next spring we’ll be told how prices will start to go up because of summer approaching. Well, the last time I looked fall kicked in last month and winter is right around the corner and I’ve never heard of prices going up due to the need for a winter blend. Oh, back to the trees. A tree association spokesperson tells Newsweek, apparently to soften the blow for higher tree prices, that “All trees look really good once they are decorated. You don’t have to buy the best tree to get it to look good. That Charlie Brown tree is a winner too. What’s he trying to say. Not only are the price of trees going up but they all look like Charlie Brown Christmas trees? Good Grief!