…and according to some guy on Twitter named Chris, “knowing how to mix Hamburger Helper doesn’t make you wife material” but his sexist comment sure did get Chris in a whole lot of hot water a key ingredient along with the hamburger in Hamburger Helper. Despite trying to give some advice to women and failing miserably Hamburger Helper tweeted a response, “And this makes you husband material? Keep in mind food brands like Hamburger Helper keep a look out on social media for complaints and while Chris’s comments generated over 2,000 likes the Hamburger Helper response got almost 300,000 likes for their perfect comeback. Several other tweets followed warning Chris that the Hamburger Helper glove was going to invent a new level of hell for you to go to. Hey many a nights have been saved by the “Glove” that leaves room for a little creativity too in the form of onions, mushrooms, or any other ingredient that might complement what the box might have in store for you. I wonder if someones got a sale on the helper to satisfy this craving I got going on about now.