It’s that time of year again…

…when just like a broken record folks who get paid to compile these things start spewing out numbers about how much American companies will lose during March Madness but I say it’s money well spent when you consider the morale of your employees who take the time to fill out a bracket and follow along during the next few weeks. But then again I’m in the minority when it comes to that thinking since a survey by Office Team shows 59% of office manager’s don’t think it has an impact at all. In fact some employers are so anti March Madness that they had their IT departments block ESPN and CBS Sports from their computers because of what’s called the “Boss Button” which is available from web sites that are streaming the games.. It allows employees to watch the games while at work. Press it, and the audio feed turns off while spreadsheets pop up. I wouldn’t be surprised if some forced their employees to hand in their smart phones until its time to punch out. Somehow I feel that morale is the last thing on mind of any of those offices managers whether it’s March Madness or not. “alright, West Virginia beat Bucknell!”