Social media is great…

…until it comes back to bite you in the butt. It’s not too many folks who don’t have a Face book Twitter, Instagram, you name it account and use it everyday. But being socially savvy doesn’t make you socially smart. Take for instance Lisa Nussbaum of Monroe Connecticut. She thought it would be a great idea that while sitting in the passenger seat she would take a live video stream on Face book of her son driving her car on the Monroe Connecticut public roads. The problem was her son is only 10 years old and it didn’t take long before several residents complained to the cops who ended the driving lessons. Hell, I was at least 13 when I finally convinced my Dad that he should teach me how to drive. So every Sunday morning there I was driving around the Weirton Heights Shopping Plaza and eventually I earned my dad’s trust to allow me to hit the highway too. Now I don’t think that if we had social media back in the day my dad would take his out his Iphone and live steam it but you didn’t need Face book to have friends either and one such friend saw what was going on and while she didn’t call the cops she did called my mom and that more or less put an end to my driving lessons, at least until I turned 15 and legally got a permit. But man that social media thing… people got to learn, its not always your friend.