Presidents who found themselves in a pickle…

…included a father and son combination. First Dad, George H W Bush found himself in a pickle when he became violently ill at a dinner and vomited on the Japanese foreign head of state before slumping into an unconscious stupor. Thanks to his wife’s attentiveness and table-hopping Secret Service agents,he recovered quickly, and his aids passed it off as the flu. “Saying The President is human, and gets sick.” Even so, the dinner’s awkward and disgusting hilarity couldn’t be erased since it’s never polite to throw up on your hosts, no matter how sick you are. Then there was his son George W Bush who found himself in a pickle while watching a football game at the White House. He briefly lost consciousness after choking on a pretzel. He stumbled to the floor from the couch bruising his lower lip and suffering an abrasion on his left cheek. According to the White House physician he recovered quickly and said he fainted due to a temporary decrease in heart rate brought on by swallowing a pretzel. If you identified any President in a pickle this week then be listening to the Kielbasi Kid on Presidents day because your’re registered to possibly win $200.00 worth of American Express Gift Cards. He’ll draws the winning name Monday morning shortly after 8 on Classic Hit’s 99 The Pickle.