It’s the Kielbasa Kid…

…so, I guess asking someone if “Yinz wanna go Dahntahn to the Giant Iggle to get some Jumbo ‘nat?’wouldn’t be a good pickup line for someone from “outta tahn”. According to a travel company Big 7 and its 1.5 million social media followers, the Pittsburgh accent was ranked 43rd out of 50 accents that just weren’t sexy. The Western Pennsylvania accent period wasn’t looked upon in a favorable light and called it down right ugly. The Pennsylvania Dutch came in at number 41 while the Philadelphia accent was in the top 10 at number 8. What’s so sexy about Filthadelphia? The Texan accent was ranked the most sexy by the survey, followed by the Boston accent and New York was 3rd. Yinz’ gotta be pullin’ my chain. Fran Dresher’s got a sexy accent? Git outta tahn.