It’s the Kielbasa Kid…

…and while big dogs are intimidating little dogs can scare off a would-be burglar just as easily because their yappers. We’ve got a chi-weenie which is half chihuahua and half wiener dog and it doesn’t like anyone near our house. In fact, it doesn’t like the neighbors in their own yard and will pitch a hissy fit despite the fact the dog has seen the neighbors a million times. But when some stranger comes to the door or even the mailman who she’s seen countless times, the volume on the yappin’ chi-weenie pegs the needle to an almost blood curdling level. The hair on its back will rise up right behind her neck and over her butt. So while she may look innocent enough her bark will wake the dead and anybody else in the house and I guess its just in their blood to be an alarmist because there was a story about a chihuahua in Houston Texas who is also a yapper and who’s bark may be bigger than it’s bite but loud enough that the pint-sized protector chased off a would-be burglar and it was all captured on the homes doorbell camera which has also become a very popular item in that people have uploaded personal videos of what their doorbell camera has captured to YouTube which I imagine makes for some interesting video especially the ones that show you a reaction by the intruder after it is surprised by a loud yappin’ pint sized protector.