It’s the Kielbasa Kid…

with the results of new study that won’t make my wife happy but it won’t change her ways or anyone else’s for that matter but don’t say we didn’t warn you.. Ready? Toasters are evil. Toasters may expose you to more air pollution than a busy intersection. Really? Toasters? They’re the new Lex Luthor! Well, air pollution or not, I’d rather be in an enclosed kitchen with the smell of toast a toasting than sitting in an intersection smelling the exhaust, exhausting from an idling car, truck, or semi any day. That’s all my wife eats for breakfast is toast. God, you don’t want to be out of bread the night before or guess who’s going to the store? Researcher Marina Vance says toasters immediately send toxic particles into the air once their turned on. She says to stay safe try not to burn your toast. Hello, does anyone one really try to burn their toast? Okay, so my mother in law actually liked burnt toast so there may be a few folks like that. Hell, I like burnt hot dogs which aren’t good for you either but now toast is going to kill you? Toast!