It’s the Kielbasa Kid…

…and as of today you can officially say goodbye to the Veg-O-Matic if they even make it anymore and the they I’m talking about is Ronco. The late-night infomercial company that Ron Popeil founded in 1969. Ronco is famous for making infomercial products like the Veg-O-Matic, the Showtime Rotisserie Oven, the 5 Minute Pasta Wizard, Mr. Microphone and the Beef Jerky Machine. Popeil says, “The Showtime Rotisserie did over $1 billion in sales over its lifetime, and current owner changed it. They retooled and started over in China. They had a winner. Why would you take your best product and change it? The new Ronco currently has liabilities of $ 10 million. But what’s the funniest, weirdest or craziest thing you or someone you know has purchased off TV or from an infomercial and how long did it last? And were you more likely to purchase something from an infomercial if you had a bit of a buzz going or drunk? And do you make a habit of watching QVC to see what you could possibly buy. I’ve never really bought anything from an infomercial not even the Ginsu knife despite all the pitches that told me to “wait cause there’s more. How much would you pay but wait, don’t answer because if you call now you can’t imagine what we’ll throw in but call now because operators are standing by.”